Here is the transcription of my most recent video blog:

(And here’s the audio on AnchorFM)

Hey everybody, it’s Queen Mab…still in the car, haha…and today I’m gonna talk to you about the new show that I am writing, which is called “Thank You, It’s True.”

So this show was born on the eve of the pandemic in January of 2020 when I went to Tucson Fringe with my friend Shirley Coggon. And Shirley and I were talking about writing a two person show together. And we went to Tucson, and we saw some shows, and as we were driving back, we started to talk about – okay, what kind of show would we like to write? And we both realized that we had done a lot of personal growth seminars. Like, a lot of personal growth seminars. And we both had sort of been in that squeeze, where, you know, you’re really interested in doing this seminar, and the person’s telling you how much it’s gonna cost, and “Oh, but it’s this value…but I’m only charging you this much!” You know how they all do that? And so we kept talking about it, and we got so excited about our idea, that we didn’t realize that we had driven to Phoenix…

So then we had to drive back to San Diego, and anyway, it was really funny. But she and I worked on that online a little bit during the pandemic, and then her work schedule got really crazy, so she wasn’t able to continue working on it with me. However, it’s very important to me to tell this story that we’ve come up with, which is about a struggling mid-30’s woman who gets sucked in by an online female empowerment guru. 

There are aspects of this that are autobiographical, but it’s mostly just crazy fiction. However, I have to say that, you know, to piggyback off my last video a little bit – there is so much self-improvement that is aimed at women. I think Shirley and I are probably not unique in that we have invested a lot of time and money into trying to become better people so that life will not suck so much. And the fact of the matter is that it doesn’t actually work that way. But…you know…we really bought into the conditioning that it does work that way. 

I think I also get really frustrated because I would really like to see men doing the same kind of intense personal growth work that women do in order to try to be “worthy” of men and their attention and their, you know, long term commitment to us. And I don’t see that. And it really, really bothers me. But I suppose that that is a different show.

So anyway, back to “Thank You, It’s True.” We’re gonna do it – I’m gonna do it with a different friend, because like I said, Shirley has other commitments she needs to attend to, but her name is still on it, ‘cuz she was very important in the formative beginnings of the show and in some of the writing, as well. We’re gonna perform it on Zoom, and it’s going to be part of the Tucson Fringe Festival. It’s gonna be virtual, okay? So it’s gonna be happening in January…I think the performance date is January 13…I’ll have to look that up. I’ll put that on my website ASAP. But yeah, you can tune in, and it will be like Zoom radio theater, okay? And it will be really funny, and you will have a blast.

I think that’s all I have to say about it. If you’d like to know more about other stuff that I’ve done, you can visit Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe, and I’ll see you next time. Bye!

My New Show

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